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A lot of people state their row of Thuja Green Giant was doing fine, then suddenly this season they began revealing brown on the lower needles. It's because the elevation attained the stage relative to spacing which leads to stress. RULE of fours. You ought to distance the trees therefore the goal height desired is no longer than 4 times the space between the trunks.
One example would you will require a 20 foot tall row to block your neighbor's home or windows, you can space as close as 5 legs apart on center. That's provided you'll follow through, and once they reach 21 or 22 tall, leading them back to 20 height.
Which means every tree will find the humidity out of a 5 diameter floor area without competition in the tree beside it. It also means there'll be sufficient room to get a solid 5 diameter root system to ensure a 20 tall tree against the wind. Thuja Green Giant are formed differently than Leyland Cypress, the top 50% of a Thuja is thinner than a Leyland. This will be even more reason to plant the zig zag patern so you've some overlap in the visual screen.
ZIG ZAG pattern. That is a superb solution if you're able to concede some width of your house for the privacy screen. Let us take an example, somebody requires a 30 tall privacy screen. Which will render them with 4 foot gap in between each tree and waiting a very while to close together.
One note is the look of a tree each 4 is only when you're exactly perpendicular to the row. In addition recall a ten foot Thuja Green Giant or Leyland Cypress can be 4 ft wide at it is widest point, but additionally they become skinnier as they get tall. Use and distribution of this item is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's info and copyright must be included. David Watterson - shrub nursery - About the writer: Watterson tree farm is a family business, David, his wife and sons have developed proven methods for growing trees.
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